Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#80 closed enhancement (fixed)

Export data for offline analysis

Reported by: jeroen.brinkman@… Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: release 0.9.5
Component: robostroke-android Version:
Keywords: Export Cc: jeroen.brinkman@…
Blocked By: Blocking:
Parent Tickets:


Please make an csv export available for use in spreadsheets.
Now it is not really possible to evaluate your race or training.


Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

  • Cc jeroen.brinkman@… added
  • Summary changed from Export does not work to Feature request: Export data as CVS for offline analysis
  • Type changed from defect to enhancement

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

  • Milestone set to epoch
  • Summary changed from Feature request: Export data as CVS for offline analysis to Feature request: Export data for offline analysis

comment:3 in reply to: ↑ description ; follow-up: Changed 13 years ago by jjl

Replying to jeroen.brinkman@…:

Please make an csv export available for use in spreadsheets.
Now it is not really possible to evaluate your race or training.

I would also be very interested in this, as I am trying to do the same.
At the moment the log files are accessible on the SD card. The files are saved as space separated columns with a '@@' designating the end of line.
There are two little quirks about the file:
1) the @@ doesn't have a space in front of it', so when the last column is imported it has the characters tacked on the end, my importer then imports the column as a string type rather than a number (so it is a multistage process to format this column before importing)

2) on the EVENT STROKE_ROLL, the two numbers following are separated by a comma and not a space. Could this be made consistent to make importing easier?

In any case, could we please have a short description of the many different events currently found within the file (ACCEL, ORIENT, EVENT(S)...) so that our analysis is somewhat quicker to figure out.

Thanks very much,

Last edited 13 years ago by jjl (previous) (diff)

comment:4 in reply to: ↑ 3 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

The data files found on the SD card are for internal use by the application. A long term stable exporting schema needs to be defined. This is not difficult nor complicated. If you have some example of the kind of data you would like to see in the CSV output, you may add them as attachments to this ticket. There may be an offline viewer applet available soon, from which I guess each event timeline (such as ACCEL, ORIENT etc.) or a multiple of timelines could be exported in a CSV friendly manner.

Replying to jjl:

Replying to jeroen.brinkman@…:

Please make an csv export available for use in spreadsheets.
Now it is not really possible to evaluate your race or training.

I would also be very interested in this, as I am trying to do the same.
At the moment the log files are accessible on the SD card. The files are saved as space separated columns with a '@@' designating the end of line.
There are two little quirks about the file:
1) the @@ doesn't have a space in front of it', so when the last column is imported it has the characters tacked on the end, my importer then imports the column as a string type rather than a number (so it is a multistage process to format this column before importing)

2) on the EVENT STROKE_ROLL, the two numbers following are separated by a comma and not a space. Could this be made consistent to make importing easier?

In any case, could we please have a short description of the many different events currently found within the file (ACCEL, ORIENT, EVENT(S)...) so that our analysis is somewhat quicker to figure out.

Thanks very much,

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Exporting feature in new Java viewer already in code. A link to viewer launcher will be posted soon.

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

  • Milestone changed from epoch to release XX

comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by tshalif

  • Summary changed from Feature request: Export data for offline analysis to Export data for offline analysis
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